The Human Needs Commission has made it our mission to spread the spirit of faith and build oneness with God and neighbor by offering services to our parishioners and others in the local and larger community without regard to religious background.
Currently, there are seven parishioners, who meet for one hour each month to discuss these projects. We work as a team but with all the projects we do, we could certainly use more help!
If you are interested in joining our group, please call Bev Scullion: 608-203-6630 or Jane Maly at 608-831-8511. Our next meeting will be held at 9 a.m., April 15 in the parish library. We hope to see you there!
The Catholic Multicultural Center meal program also needs some volunteers to help serve from 3:30-5:30 p.m., on the third Monday of each month.
The meal is served at 1862 Beld St., which is just off Park Street in Madison.
Please contact Tony Bickel at (preferred) or 608-345-4229 and let him know which months you can help.
October, November and December are the most needed months.
This is a fun activity with great people to work with and you are helping others!