In between all the home-schooling, meal preparation, yard work and your normal work duties, you have probably been doing some spring cleaning, right?
But what will you do with the stuff that you no longer need or want? St. Vinny’s is closed for drop-offs.
The St. Bernard Conference of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul has scheduled a truck to be in our parking lot on May 16-17.
They will have volunteers with masks and gloves who will practice safe distancing and take items out of your car or truck for the collection.
Because St. Vinny’s still needs your stuff! Such as clothing, furniture, household goods including small appliances, linens, art, craft supplies, toys, books and more.
If you don’t have any treasures to donate, but would like to make a monetary donation to help fund the SVdP food pantry and pharmacy, please feel free to drop it off with our volunteers.
Thanks to our St. Vinny’s volunteers for providing this valuable service!