Thanks in advance for helping the parish plan well to safely host parishoners for the Triduum liturgies!
Please coordinate with your family, household, or those with whom you wish to sit and then have one person sign-up your entire group for Good Friday and/or an Easter Sunday morning Mass. Please note, on March 17, we have added a second liturgy for Good Friday and have adjusted the time of the previosuly scheduled liturgy. All who were previosuly signed up have been moved to the sign-up for the 12 Noon Litrugy. You may ammend your registration through your confirmaiton email or contact the parish office if you would like help switching.
For those interested, signing up for Holy Thursday Mass of the Easter Vigil (Holy Saturday evening) is not needed.
Group size is currently limited to eight people, but if you have more, please sign-up and then contact Barb in the parish office who can update your reservation.
All these liturgies will be livestreamed for those wanting to worship from home.