The Parish Library is located inside the Religios Education Building. It is up one full flight of stairs and can be accessed by the elevator. Small faith formation groups meet in the Library. The Library is open and accessible to all when the rest of the Church is open.
The prayer shawl ministry hopes to entice more parishioners to share their talents of knitting, crocheting and sewing to make prayer shawls for those in need. We meet on the second Wednesday of each month in the parish library. The shawls have been very popular, and we would like more people to share in this wonderful ministry. They can be knit, crocheted or sewn. We attach a small label with our parish name and then another hang tag with a prayer for the user. If you are interested or have any questions, please contact Laurie Zimmerman at 608-215-6894 or Sharon Braem at 608-335-9001. Also if you would like to contribute your items, but cannot attend the meetings, please contact Laurie or Sharon.