The Parish Library is located inside the Religios Education Building. It is up one full flight of stairs and can be accessed by the elevator. Small faith formation groups meet in the Library. The Library is open and accessible to all when the rest of the Church is open.
The St. Bernard Conference of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul meets bi-monthly to pray together and plan parish-wide projects to help those in need throughout our community.
Efforts include:
Bundle Sunday - Collection of used goods and clothes over a weekend in which a SVdP truck is available in our parking lot.
Food Drive - Annual drive for the food pantry at the St. Vincent de Paul Service Center on Fish Hatchery Road in Madison.
Cookie Extravaganza - Annual fundraiser held in December. All parishioners are asked to bring a dozen cookies for the event. This is the only fundraiser held to support the work that we do locally to help our neighbors in need.
Recycle the Warmth - Collect blankets, sheets and bedding for those in need.
All upcoming drives and collection efforts will be posted in the "Events" section.
For more information about St. Vincent de Paul in Dane County, visit their website at: