Our St. Vincent de Paul (SVdP) conference will join religious organizations from around the county in the 26th annual “Recycle the Warmth” blanket drive on Jan. 26-28.
They will collect new or clean and gently used blankets and bedding. Bins will be located at the church parking lot doors on that weekend.
You can also buy new and donate right away at any Shopko store in Dane County or drop your clean and gently used blankets at any St. Vinny’s thrift store in Dane County.
All the bedding collected or purchased during this drive will be given away during the next 12 months to needy individuals and families, who come to the Center for Vincentian Charity at 2033 Fish Hatchery Road in Madison seeking assistance.
Another way to help is to contribute toward the purchase of additional bedding, such as new sheets, pillows and mattress covers, to meet the requests received by SVdP at svdpmadison.org/recyclethewarmth.