The Snack Pack Blessings program made its first delivery to Elm Lawn and Northside Elementary schools on Oct. 5.
The program, which started at the parish in 2016, provides food to students for their weekend meals.
Georgine Jacobs, the program coordinator, said she has about 20 students registered, but she expects that number to rise to about 35 by the end of the school year.
St. Bernard accepts monetary donations from its parishioners for the program.
Last year, almost $4,000 was collected from parishioners, according to parish records.
If you would like to make a donation, checks should include “Snack Pack” in the notes section and cash should be put in an envelope marked “Snack Pack.”
Parishioners, who use weekly envelopes, can also include a donation, but need to note how much should go to Snack Pack.
All donations can be placed in the collection basket or brought to the parish office.
For more information, contact Jacobs at 608-698-1455.