Between demanding schedules, traveling, and trying to get out the door in time for Mass, it can be challenging to tithe and/or donate on a regular basis!
St. Bernard Catholic Church wants to make it easier for you by offering the option of secure online giving. You can make a one-time gift or a recurring gift using the form below.
Thank you for your continued support of our church and school. We couldn't do it without you!
Bequests and Wills
Please consider making a gift to St. Bernard Parish in your will as a way of expressing your gratitude to God for all the blessings you have received from Him. The good we do lives on after us -- if we have the foresight to make a will! An up-to-date will is the best way to provide for those we love and to continue our support of the good works at St. Bernard Parish.
Leaving a Lasting Legacy
Many parishioners make contributions outside the parish, because we have not asked them for their help.
Bequests to the parish, gifts of life insurance, stocks, bonds and certificates of deposit can help perpetuate your faith commitment.
Please remember the ongoing and long-range needs, which exist here at St. Bernard. For specific areas which could benefit from your gift, contact Fr. Brian or Barb Harrington.
Estate Planning
Consider one of the greatest acts of stewardship an individual can make by establishing an estate plan.
Everyone should have an estate plan comprising of either a will or a trust -- this will allow you to determine how and to whom the gifts God has bestowed on you will be distributed when you can no longer serve as your own steward.
If you are planning to give to a charity, please consider St. Bernard Parish as part of your estate plan.
You may contact Barb Harrington for more information on gift giving opportunities to benefit St. Bernard Parish.
We appreciate the thoughtfulness of parishioners who have left bequests to the parish. These gifts help us to build a solid foundation for future generations.