Our parish has many ways to get involved in forming friendships, reaching out to those in need and growing in our spiritual lives. This is a quick overview of the groups and ministries that are available in our parish.
Several of the groups listed below have a subpage, so click on the name for more information.
Creation Care Team
Council of Catholic Women
Prayer Chain Network
Rosary Makers
Prayer Shawl Ministry
The Living Rosary
Knight's of Columbus (KC) Council #4549
Society of St. Vincent de Paul Conference
Feeding the Hungry
Human Needs Commission
Young Adults Group
The Beacon - The Beacon is a comprehensive day resource center located at 615 E. Washington Ave., in Madison for people who are experiencing homelessness in Dane County. They help over 150 men, women, and children each day, 365 days a year. Along with basic needs services, they are a one-stop-shop for people to connect with other area social services agencies, who have offices at The Beacon. For more information, go to thebeaconhelps.org.
Council of Catholic Women (CCW) - The CCW is a deanery-wide group that meets three times annual for spirituality, education and service. Fall and spring gatherings are for our local CCW. A June gathering is for all CCW groups in the diocese.