The above video shares the vision and current architectural renderings for the proposed renovation of the parish center and building of a new narthex. Please check out the renderings slides here and email Fr. Brian if you have questions or thoughts.
Little did any of the planners realize, as the design for the altar was selected, how easily it would be adapted later to the liturgical changes called for by Vatican Council II.
In the summer of 1958, Monsignor Ferdinand Mack and Tom Flad, the architect of the new St. Bernard’s church, were looking for ideas for a new reredos, an ornamental screen covering the wall at the back of an altar.
In September of 1958, two cedar trees were cut down by Herb Harris, and MSgr. Mack and his brother, Leo, floated them down the Oconoto River to be loaded onto a truck that would take them to the mill. These trees were used to make a cross for the new St. Bernard church.